Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Just When You Think Your Kids are Boring. . .

I know, I know, what fool would think that? I confess, I did the other night. We went to a family party on Monday. My mom has 9 brothers and sisters and, well, lets just say they have some good stories to tell. Some involve bows and arrows and b.b. guns. Some involve chalk on walls and jumping out of planes. Some involve the police.

As I sat there listening and laughing, I turned to Layne and said, "Man, this makes our kids sound boring." Dumb move. Way to call down cosmic karma.

Last night when I was at church meetings, Layne heard giggling and then strange thumping. This is what he saw:

Mike and Doug were ticked off that the junior high kids had slid all of the snow off the hill at the park. They devised a way to try out Doug's new sled.

Who could really blame them? If there wasn't a big GLASS display case at the bottom of the stairs, it would have been fine. Yeah, right. Kind of reminds me of the time I was babysitting the Oakman twins and found one of them pushing the other one down the stairs, IN A SUITCASE. They just wanted to try what they'd seen on a Samsonite commercial on t.v.

Lest I be tempted to think that my children are perfect, I am "blessed" with moments like these. . .


7packofbearss said...

My geniuses do that in a laundry basket. Oddly enough, I think a sled may be smarter. While it is faster, it doesn't tip over as easily. Go Mikey and Doug!

Terra said...

Awesome! What a great picture, too! How can you not smile at their creativity!?!