Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Ramblings of the Sleep Deprived

It's the first day of summer. I know it's not the summer solstice yet, but I swear that this is the longest day of the year.

At least at my house.

We are remodeling our master bedroom / bath, as well as tiling the kids' bathroom, so as to prevent FURTHER water damage to the floor. (Yep, all that splashing has caused a problem.)

I have wanted to do this for 10 years or so. Besides the obvious expense, it has taken me that long to get up the courage to attack the floor to ceiling wallpaper.

Not to mention the idea of having no room or bathroom for 2 weeks.

I've slept in the same bed essentially since I was 14. My parents gave me a waterbed for Christmas that year, and, for lack of another bed, it came with me when we got married. (Along with a student loan-- it made for quite a dowry.) Layne ended up loving the waterbed, so (even though we've replaced the mattress with one of those really fancy waveless ones), on my trusty bed we still sleep.

The biggest problem with the waterbed is that it makes it really hard to sleep on any other bed. Let alone on a crummy air mattress in the basement.

For 2 weeks.

I got a total of about 4 hours of sleep last night. When I woke up, summer had sprung (all but the weather, that is) and I was left to face three kids home all day, the start of every-day swim team, not to mention rain which is keeping said kids (and their friends) inside of my torn-apart house.

I can't even hide in my room-- it's a war zone.

To top it all off, the contractor didn't even start today as promised. I "slept" on the air mattress for nothing last night.

I know, it will all be worth it.

Unless I kill someone before that it ever gets finished and I end up in jail.

Are sleep deprivation and really-long-cooped-up-summer-day-insanity valid pleas in a court of law?


R Fitz said...

Isn't it amazing how changing beds as an adult causes so little sleep??? Good luck and post pics of the end result...even if it turns out to be a cozy jail room! ;)

Lewis Fam said...

I have to say that I miss your posts!