Friday, January 15, 2010

My Reward

As of this morning, I'm down 7 pounds and, according to my highly scientific $39.99 scale from Wal-Mart, I'm also down 1% of body fat.

I won't lie-- it hasn't been fun. Things are a little grouchy around my house-- I can't decide if it's because Layne has a pretty serious case of Seasonal Affective Disorder, or if he's just hungry. He's down like 13 pounds-- enough that you can already see it on him.

I'm just happy that my Christmas Cookie (and ham and cheeseball and fudge) weight is gone.

I'm making progress on my 25 pound goal. I've decided that my reward for hitting that goal will be this:

or this:
or this:

on my bike handlebars. The pink camo is so ugly it's awesome and the silver or metallic pink would just look freakin' hot on my bike. Which one do you think? This is my bike:

I'm not very good at waiting for things-- this will be a new experience for me...


7packofbearss said...

good thing you explained what that was because I was thinking 'what the hell kind of reward is that for 25 pounds'. Now I understand. I like the metallic pink one. Flashy!

Lewis Fam said...

I think I would have to go with the Silver!

Lewis Fam said...

I think I would have to go with the silver!

Unknown said...

I didn't know what the heck that was either. I was thinking it was a giant snap bracelet like we had in the 80's. Remember those?

I would do the pink.
Maybe the camo.
I think the silver would just look like metal handles.