Friday, March 06, 2009

Now I'm the TV Star

I can't let Layne have all the fun. My mom, two of my sisters and I went to a live taping of Good Things Utah today for Mom and Colette's birthday. (Yes, they do have the same birthday, in spite of my mom's best efforts to keep that from happening.)

It was really interesting to see how things work from behind the scenes. I don't watch the show all that often-- every once in a while when I'm folding clothes or something-- but it was really fun to see how a live show is made.

It was funny to see how they all talk amongst themselves about anything (like the rest of us), up to about 2 seconds before they go live. Then, they all stop mid-sentence, put on their game faces, smile for the camera and start the tv shpeel. It would be an interesting job.

Today's guest announcer was Thurl Bailey-- former Utah Jazz player turned singer / sports commentator/guest speaker/etc. Man, that guy is huge.
If you're wondering, I did get to be on tv for about .5 seconds at the very end.
Yep. Now I'm waiting for the agents to start calling. "Who was that girl?"
One more thing. Here's my little video of the GTU girls taping their promo for the next day. Just for fun.

1 comment:

R Fitz said...

You guys are having all the fun! If you want to come clean up throw up next time instead...well, you know where to call!