So I am sitting on an airplane, blogging from my iPhone. Here are my brief observations-- as typing is a little difficult right now.
1. Wi-fi on airplanes rules. Big time.
2. Flying coach does not rule. Never fly first class unless you plan on doing only that for the rest of your life.
3. People who recline their seats SUCK! I cannot say that strongly enough. I hope the insensitive shrew in front of me is enjoying the healthy dose of knee-in-the-back that I'm serving up.
4. I really have to pee, but there is 1 hour and 20 minutes left of the flight. I choose to spend them in discomfort rather than using the bathroom on the plane. I hate those things.
5. Should it make me nervous that the guy sitting next to me and the guy in front of Layne are passing notes in Arabic?
6. Reclining Shrew just went into the bathroom to bathe herself in cheap perfume. Thanks for the migraine, Shrew Lady. Seriously Lady-- you REEK!!!
7. Do I really have to keep this seatbelt on? It's putting pressure on a very distressed bladder right now.
In case you're wondering, I am on my way to New York City. I've never been there before-- should be interesting:-)
More later...
45 minutes later.
Math equation:
Full bladder + bumpy flight = ?
1 comment:
you make me laugh. I need more of that!
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