Thursday, November 20, 2008


I'm sitting here watching E.R. and realizing that I've been watching this show for like 14 years now. That's almost half of my life! :-) Granted, there've been years when I watched less-- the whole Kerri Weaver thing kind of turned me off for a while-- but quite honestly, this is still the only show that I will Tivo and watch later.

I have to admit though, I miss the days of Doug Ross and Dr. Green. I remember watching George Clooney and his sexy rebellious doctor ways in my apartment in college. Watching ER was about the only thing that all of my roommates could agree on. Good times.

I keep thinking that it's just not as good any more and I should stop watching it, but I never do. Now it's the last season, and I guess I'll have to. . .

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I'm with you there! I missed Thursday night so I'm hoping you still have it on TIVO and I can invite myself over to watch it :)