Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Political Limericks

Okay. So writing the limericks was harder than I expected. They stink, but here they are anyway.

There once was a man named Obama
Who had a penchant for drama.
In every exchange,
His mantra was CHANGE
And saving the country from trauma.

There once was a man named Barack
Who wanted us out of Iraq.
To great disbelief,
He's now Commander-In-Chief
And the Republican Party's in shock.

Sorry about the crappy poems. Blame it on my great-grandma who wrote much bad poetry and somehow figured out how to end every poem with the words "Love One Another." I can't help it.

I did find a cool website for the bad poet in all of us-- which is a rhyming dictionary for those times when you can't find that right sounding word. (I wouldn't have come up with Iraq on my own!)

I'll try to do better tomorrow...


Jamie said...

I love it! Thanks for sharing your talents :)
Will we see you for lunch this afternoon?

7packofbearss said...

I was so impressed with the Barack and Iraq rhyme. I thought your rhyming skills had definitely surpassed the family legacy! Clever anyways:)