Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Birthday, Emalee!

Today is Emalee's 9th birthday. She's growing up so fast! She asked if she could have a new bed and more grown-up looking room for her present. Where'd that come from? At least I was able to talk her out of the garrish High School Musical stuff.

She had a pretty good birthday weekend, actually. Saturday, we took her and a friend shopping and to a movie. Yesterday, we took her birthday cake to my mom's house. She's definitely my daughter. No fruity decorated cakes for her-- she wanted home-made chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. We call it a Chocolate Coma.

Today, she took donuts to her class. She also found out that she won the reflections contest in the film category. Way to go Em!

I asked her if she wanted to go to dinner somewhere or pick something for me to make. She picked pork roast, mashed potatoes, and homemade rolls. (Yes, Olive Garden would have been easier!) I seriously burned my finger in the process, but it was delicious.

Pretty good weekend, for a pretty wonderful little girl. Happy Birthday, Princess!

1 comment:

7packofbearss said...

Happy birthday Em!! Your medal is awesome. We are so proud of you for working so hard on your movie. I would have voted for your picture too. Then you would get 2 medals!!