Wednesday, April 01, 2009

My Three Fools

I don't love April Fool's Day. Yep. I'm a scrooge here too. I've never liked playing practical jokes much-- seems like a lot of effort for no good return. Obviously, I hate being the brunt of them too.

My mom used to play a trick or two-- she'd put a paper towel in the middle of our sandwich or leave the wrapper on the cheese. Never really appreciated that either.

My kids didn't inherit my practical streak. They woke up at 6:00 this morning. They turned every picture in the house upside down on the walls. They rearranged all of the furniture in the living room. They turned all of the dishes upside down in the cupboards. They switched all of the cereals inside of the boxes. They hid one of every shoe in the house. It's like gremlins moved in.

When we came down, they were bursting at the seams with mirth at their trickery. They did pull off a lot of "foolery" for three little munchkins. I tried to think they were funny, but mostly I just had to roll my eyes.

Here's the problem with practical jokes-- somebody has to clean them up. Sure, the kids tried. But, guess who had to go around after them straightening pictures, putting the furniture where it belonged, and putting away stray shoes?

The real joke was the weather. What is with waking up to a blizzard? I was supposed to drive Layne to the airport early this morning, but I chickened out when I saw Mother Nature's little joke this morning. Guess she got us all. Wonder who's going to clean up her mess?


R Fitz said...

Sounds like your kids did a better job than I did...maybe my problem was partly that I am really not a funny person so my rare attempts usually flop...after today i am joining the scrooge club, at least for this holiday!

7packofbearss said...

I don't love april fools day but what your kids did is kind of funny. Although I am glad my kids didn't think of doing it at my house.

tiff said...

What creative children! I've never done much on April Fool's, and neither have my kids. I'm kind of jealous....

By the way, just read your Groundhog Day post, and I was so impressed that you vacuum out your couches. I should try that sometime.