Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Buffalo Don't Swim

In keeping with my "I want to be a buffalo in my next life theme", I have to tell you something about buffalo-- they can't swim.

Okay. I don't know if real buffalo can swim or not, but I know that I can't. I tried today.

Calli wants me to do a triathlon in March. It's just a sprint one-- 6 laps in the pool, 13 miles on a bike and a 5 k run. I told her I can't swim. She said she'd teach me.

What she didn't understand is that it's not that I don't know HOW to swim, it's that I am incapable of it. You'd think with the spare tire around my middle, I'd be a great swimmer. I am a pretty good floater, come to think of it. My problem is that I can't keep the water out of my nose.

Calli tried to explain how to do it. Then she tried to show me. That made me laugh so hard that I snorted up the water anyway. (By the way, I think I got a chlorine high.) While Calli was busy doing breast stroke laps and freestyle laps, I was doing drunken-dog-get-across-the-pool-any-way-you-can-without-drowning laps. I was panting like a dog. My muscles were on fire. I got red circles around my eyes from the goggles I suctioned onto my face.

It was not a pretty picture. My triathlon dreams may have died today. I told Calli that I'm either going to have to go swimming a lot more and get good at it, or I am never going again. Jury's out on that one. She said get noseplugs.

Now I know how my Padawan cycling buddies felt when they first got on bikes.

By the way, Jamie, way to go at Pilates last night! You feelin' it yet?


Unknown said...

And I totally get it.
Is it genetics?
My friends have been trying to get me to do that triathalon thing too, since I am a runner <---HA!
But I can't swim either. And really, compared to your standands, I am not great on a bike either. I can't get over the seat wedgies I get with bikes.

ginarich said...

Kim-- I wish I could of been there to see that, then again may be not-- I would have drowned! Seriously-- keep at it-- it will come! I think you'd do great a triathalon!

ginarich said...

by the way-- great pics!

Lewis Fam said...

I think you need a different teacher. You are a good faker sorry I don't know how to spell that word. I was rather impressed with your skills and your willingness to drink that much pool water.