Wednesday, October 01, 2008

You Can Call Me Michaelangelo

Since President Uchtdorf's talk on Saturday night, I've been trying to make a mental shift to thinking of the things I do as creations instead of as drudgery. Here are some things I've created in the last few days:

* Piles of clean, neatly folded (sort of) laundry CREATED from two baskets of dirty clothes.
*Two homemade, new-recipe dinners in a row CREATED in my new kitchen. (One was considerably better than the other.)
*Stiff muscles in my stomach CREATED from 1 hour of Pilates Monday night.
*2 full shelves of food storage CREATED because I'm freaking out about the economy.
*One happy PTA board CREATED because we kept the board meeting under an hour.
*3 happy kids CREATED because Albertsons had a 10 for $15 sale on fruit snacks.
*One happy husband CREATED... Nevermind about that one. :-)

Dang. I feel like an artist.

1 comment:

7packofbearss said...

Way to be positive!!! Today so far I wrapped Olivia's sliced up finger really well and she hasn't pulled it off yet. I guess I could be an artist too.